Monday, April 15, 2019

How to plan and book your ACCA Exams

Why get ACCA qualification?

ACCA is a global accountancy body setting highest professional and ethical standards for accountants worldwide. Their mission is to provide equal opportunities to professionals all over the world, allowing them to grow, develop their skill set and reach a new level of qualification. The body partners with local associations to make sure the qualifications they develop comply with regulations in the marketplaces. Accountants with ACCA membership are the most sought-after industry professionals with broad professional knowledge and expertise.  

If you are looking for opportunities to develop your career as a professional accountant, ACCA qualification can be a great addition to your profile as it proves you can set and maintain the high standards in the organizations you work with and lead them to business success. With ACCA membership you’ll get access to a variety of resources which can be helpful throughout your studies as well as your professional life. There are also numerous opportunities for developing your skills and qualifications, including BSc and MSc.

The Roadmap towards ACCA Qualification

If you’re ready to embark on an exciting journey towards receiving ACCA qualification, make sure you understand what your starting point is and what your next steps are going to be. In order to qualify for ACCA you’ll need to take a maximum of 13 professional exams, with exemptions depending on your prior experience and qualification. You will also need to complete an Ethics and Professional Skills module from ACCA. Lastly, you’ll need to prove at least three years of practical work experience in a relevant role. The whole process of earning the qualification will take you approximately three years.

ACCA Exams

For ACCA Canada high school diplomas or secondary school certificates with A levels in Math and English are sufficient for registration. However, if you’ve completed your studies in another country but want to enrol in ACCA Qualification in Canada, visit the website to determine your eligibility. If your current qualifications are not enough to apply, you can still study with ACCA through its Foundation Level program. If, on the contrary, your qualifications are already higher than required at the registration, you will be allowed to skip some of the ACCA exams based on your individual case.

Applied Knowledge Exams

If you meet the requirements for ACCA exam registration you will start with the first step, which is called Applied Knowledge Exams. They include an introduction to the field of finance and accounting with the general understanding of accounting in the modern world. The exams for these modules can be taken at a test center certified to deliver them as per the established standards. Applied Knowledge Exams consist of the following modules:

Accountant in Business
Management Accounting
Financial Accounting

These are on-demand computer-based exams that can be taken individually at an authorized ACCA Exam centre, such as Ashton Testing Services centre located in Vancouver, BC. For ACCA exams registration, you’ll need to proceed to the test centre website directly and book the individual exams at your convenience. You will need to pay separate fees for each exam you wish to take.

Applied Skills Exams

The next step to ACCA qualification is Applied Skills Exams. They build on existing knowledge and understanding to develop strong, broad and practical finance qualifications required by professional accountants.  

Corporate and Business Law
Performance Management
Financial reporting
Audit and assurance
Financial Management

This set of exams is offered in sessions. In 2019, sessions will be held in June and September in selected locations. In order to register and pay the ACCA exam fees, you will need to go to ACCA global website and create an account. You will be allowed to select the test centre located close to you. You will be also given an option to select the number of sessions to choose from. The general advice here is to plan well in advance, by finding the test locations and exam entry deadlines so that there no last minute issues. If you end up missing an exam, you may have to wait for several months for the next one.

Strategic Professional

The highest level of ACCA exams is Strategic Professional, which is comprised of Essentials and Options exams.


Strategic Business Leader
Strategic Business Reporter


Advanced Financial Management
Advanced Performance Management
Advanced Taxation
Advanced Audit and Assurance

Strategic professional exams also come in a package and can be taken only after completing the previous step and clearing the Applied Skills Exams.

If your goal is to take your professional accountant career to the next level, Ashton Testing Services will be glad to help you take the on-demand computerized exams at our convenient location in downtown Vancouver on a day and time that works best for you.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Most Important Questions About GRE Exam

If you aspire to pursue a graduate degree or to attend a business school, you’ve most likely already heard about the GRE General Test. Chances are you’ve been studying and have even taken GRE practice exam to check your knowledge and determine test readiness. Studying and practicing for the test no doubt is important but it’s just one part of the process. The other part is taking the exam. It’s also imperative to understand the GRE exam procedures before giving the exam to make sure you know what to expect. That will ensure you have a higher chance to succeed.

How to find a GRE exam center?

GRE General Test is offered as a standardized measure to compare qualifications of candidates from all over the world. It’s available in more than 1,000 Prometric exam centers and additional test centers outside of Prometric network in over 160 countries. You can go to the Educational Testing Service website, which owns and administers the GRE exam, and visit the Test Centres and Dates page to check the locations and availability for all regions. Depending on your choice of a computer-based or paper-based exam you might have different GRE exam dates and test centres.

If you are looking for a GRE exam centre Vancouver, you will see the option of taking the GRE in a Prometric exam center, located in downtownVancouver and operated by Ashton Testing Services. The electronic system allows you to see seat availability in real time and choose the GRE exam dates that work best for you. Appointments are made on a first-come, first-served basis, so make sure you book your test in advance and allow enough time for your scores to be reported to the chosen institutions in time for your application deadlines.

How to register for GRE exam?

To be able to take a test in one of Prometric exam centers, you will need to create an account on ETS website and register with them for the computer-based GRE General test. Make sure that the first and last names you use during your registration match the ID document you will bring to the GRE exam center. In your account enter the preferred location, choose one of the available GRE exam dates and select the score recipients. Double check all the information you provide.

Once your registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation email from ETS that will state your test choice, location, date and the score recipients. If you need to correct the personal data, contact GRE services immediately. It will be too late to report a mistake in your data on the day of your test. You might also be asked to provide your biometric voice sample and a photo. If you refuse to do that, you may not be permitted to sit the GRE exam. 

What to expect in a GRE Prometric exam center?

To get familiar with security procedures at Prometric exam centers visit the official Prometric or ETS website to check what you are allowed and not allowed to do at the test center. Make sure you don’t bring any food, drinks or tobacco with you. Don’t wear jewellery or watches. Don’t bring any devices or notes. If you come to the test center with the equipment that is not allowed in the test room, you’ll be asked to leave it in the locker with all of your belongings. If you need any special health-related equipment/s, contact ETS in advance to make sure you’re allowed to wear it during the exam.

You need to report to the GRE Prometric exam center at least 30 minutes before the start of your test. You will be required to present a valid ID. All your personal items must be stored in a locker, and you will not have access to them during the test except for food and beverages during your break. If you’re wearing eyeglasses, hair accessories, a tie, a jacket, a hat, they will be inspected before the exam. You will be provided with scrap paper and pencils but will not be permitted to bring your own paper to the test room with you.  

Take the test center regulations seriously. If you fail to follow the instructions of the test center staff, you will not be permitted to take the exam and your fee will not be refunded. Any violation of these procedures during the test or breaks may result in dismissal from the test and/or cancellation of scores. Make sure you know all the important information about the GRE exam center in Vancouver before you book your exam and clarify your doubts.

How to succeed in GRE exam?

There is no one magic formula for success. But if you follow these steps, you will give yourself the best chance to succeed:

·         Study hard and take GRE practice exams to get familiar with the format;
·         Make sure you read and understand all the applicable procedures and regulations;
·         Have a good rest before your exam;
·         Come prepared and don’t worry too much on your test day.

Good luck!